Thursday, November 5, 2009

ipod wax

My waxed ipod turned out good for getting back into photo shop after being out of the class for a while. If i could do anything different i would have probably not have choose a slanted ipod because I feel that with the slant ipod was kind of challenging. I am proud that i was able to do this assignment well and quickly. I would say out of a scale from one to ten and ten being the best i would rate it maybe a 7 or 8 because i had to be really creative with the whole drips and making the ipod look waxed. one thing that i didn't know with the ipod i couldnt do a shadow, it didn't bother me that i couldn't do it but i wish next time i could.

1 comment:

  1. it's good to have you back, crystal! yeah, you seemed to get back into the swing of things without a hitch.

    both pieces look good. if i had to choose, i'd say the doorknob one looks more realistically covered in wax. but the ipod looks good, too.

    i think that the ipod image could be improved if the drips were straight (which you did very nicely in the dooknob one.) the wobbly edges of the drips are a little distracting in terms of a realistic wax effect.

    the highlights look excellent in both pictures -- it's amazing how real they make it look.

    good job!

    Creativity: 100
    Effort: 100
    Artistry: 85
    Mastered Unit Goals: 100
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 97
