Monday, November 16, 2009

dog with zebra prints

I didn't think that choosing the animals that you want to swap skins with is hard till i had to do it because you have to get the animal in the same pose so its kind of hard to match up. It kind of turned out how i thought it would be, i thought the strips would show more but i like that the stripes are grayish making it look realistic. I thought liquefying the skin would be easier because i did it in the tutorial but it was pretty challenging. I think next time i would Choose to do a horse and a zebra just because i think that it would show the strips more. On a scale from one to ten one being the worst and ten being the best i would rate it a 7.5. I think i was being creative with putting zebra skin on a great dane dog because i never seen it done before.

1 comment:

  1. i think you did an excellent job on this one, too. i actually like the stripes against the gray -- i think it looks kinda neat. and i think it's more interesting to look at a striped grey hound than a striped horse, so i think you made the right choice.

    great job with the liquefying on both projects. they both look very realistic.

    Creativity: 100
    Effort: 100
    Artistry: 100
    Mastered Unit Goals: 100
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 100! good job!
