Thursday, November 19, 2009


The course was designed to learn how to use photoshop in different ways so it could help you while you make your own web page. After I completed building the website I like how it turned out. I think something that I would do differently is play around more with the effects to try them all out. I am proud that I was able to build a website and I most proud that I used what I learned in the class and used it to build my page. I think My creativity to my website, projects and the way things out would have to be a 8. Overall this class was a very good class because each time that I do a new project I learned something new and this class is just so cool because all the effects you can do on photoshop.

1 comment:

  1. your website looks very classy -- the drop shadow and glow on the text ended up looking fantastic. and the purple dreamy background turned out to be the perfect backdrop. i also really like the way your text rollovers look. all in all, i think you've got a really nice looking page here that you should be proud of. :-)

    really nice job.

    i'm sad that you're done with my class now, but i'm very glad to have gotten to know you and interact with you. i think you make beautiful art, and that you have a great eye. and i'm very impressed by how quickly you were able to finish the last units (and still do an outstanding job) you are very intelligent and capable, and i hope you have fun with the rest of your classes.

    congratulation on a great course. :-)

    Creativity: 100
    Effort: 100
    Artistry: 100
    Mastery of Unit Goals: 100
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 100!

    PART B SEMESTER AVG: 99.5, which rounds to 100!!
