Monday, June 1, 2009

skateboarder project

During this unit I think I was supposed to make an object appear as if it went outside the page. Your supposed to make it look like it jumped out of picture frame. If I could do it again i would probably use a picture that had effects coming out of the photo, for example like use a suffer and take a wave and make it look like water coming behind the surfer. I think my project of both the skateboarder and the snowboarder came out good. I think I did really well on the skateboarder because the skater tend to have some sharp edges that made it at times hard to crop out. I think my creativity on this project was a six on a scale from one to ten(one being the worst, ten being the best), I think if I used a surfer I could of been more creative. On a scale I would rate it maybe a Seven or Eight. I felt I understood the project and did good on it.

1 comment:

  1. i like these. they both look very realistic!

    there are a few improvements i think you could make to the skateboarder. the mask is just the slightest bit jagged. so try using more bezier curves when you're outlining things with the pen tool (ask me if you'd like a tutorial in using bezier curves.) the second thing is that the colors in the original photo are a little muted, so you might want to darken the blacks a little with an Exposure adjustment layer (the middle slider in that adjustment is good for bringing in blacks without darkening the rest of the image.) and the last thing as that the "frame" he's jumping out of would look cool if it looked like it was receding more (like you did in the snowboarder.) that way it would look like he was skating so fast he just slipped off the page.

    overall, i think you did an excellent job on both pictures.

    Creativity: 100
    Effort: 100
    Artistry: 90
    Mastery of Unit Goals: 100
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 98
