Monday, June 1, 2009

skateboarder project

During this unit I think I was supposed to make an object appear as if it went outside the page. Your supposed to make it look like it jumped out of picture frame. If I could do it again i would probably use a picture that had effects coming out of the photo, for example like use a suffer and take a wave and make it look like water coming behind the surfer. I think my project of both the skateboarder and the snowboarder came out good. I think I did really well on the skateboarder because the skater tend to have some sharp edges that made it at times hard to crop out. I think my creativity on this project was a six on a scale from one to ten(one being the worst, ten being the best), I think if I used a surfer I could of been more creative. On a scale I would rate it maybe a Seven or Eight. I felt I understood the project and did good on it.

skateboarder project